What is fascia?

Fascia is a connective tissue that resembles a spider's web and extends under the skin from head to toe and on all sides. This is the first thing you need to know about fascia: it is present absolutely everywhere in the body. It envelops every muscle, every bone, every nerve, every organ and every blood vessel.
But it doesn't just envelop them: it penetrates every fiber of their composition, right down to the cellular level. The fascia is the immediate environment of each cell of the body, which cannot function without their connection to the fascial system.
Fascia acts as a continuous tensile force throughout all areas of the body, from macroscopic to microscopic, which makes it responsible for posture and for holding the organs in place. The fascial system is also the shock absorber of the body, protecting us against injuries and internal or external stresses, and it has a great influence on the immune system and general health.
Fascial restrictions create pain and dysfunction
When we suffer a shock, an injury, when there is inflammation in the body, or simply over time or because of bad posture, the fascia hardens and cements, exerting too much pressure on the affected area. It forms what is called fascial restrictions.
Restrictions are usually areas that are tense or painful. In addition to creating pain and all sorts of symptoms, fascial restrictions interfere with the normal functioning of the body's structures and systems. They produce enormous pressures on our muscles, nerves, joints or organs, pressures that can reach approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on the affected areas.
Because the fascia is interconnected, a fascial restriction can pull and compress other areas, creating further restrictions elsewhere. The result is a complex web of tension and compression that can result in chronic pain, fatigue and loss of function.
Myofascial release allows the fascia to regain its fluid and elastic shape. By releasing the fascia, we free the muscles, organs or nerves that were trapped. The cells can once again receive the hydration and nutrients they need for proper health, and the pain that was previously felt disappears.